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Having Water Woes?
Our Advice for Efficiently Watering Your Lawn

You know the saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." That's true in many ways. But if you're dealing with a thirsty lawn, or your lawn is struggling and you think the issue may be water, there are some things you can do to improve the outlook on your side of the fence as well. 
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Heatwave Lawn Rescue: Guide to Summer Grass Care in Fruitland, ID

West Idaho is being hit by a hit wave right now, and like most homeowners, you may be concerned about your lawn and garden. If your grass is anything but green, the go-to response is to add more water. But that's not always the problem, especially if you have a sprinkler system and are watering routinely in the cool hours of the day. 
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Beautifully maintained backyard in summer
10 Summer Backyard Activities to
Enjoy Your Lawn
One of the best things in life is being able to grab a lawn chair and lay back under the clear, blue summer sky. Listen to the bees buzzing in the raspberries and watch dragonflies, sparrows, and hawks dart by, all on the hunt for their next meal. Savor the smell of freshly cut grass, roses, a neighbor's barbecue, and your dog–who needs a bath. 
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Precision Edging: The Finishing Touch for a Superior Lawn 

What is the difference between a great lawn and a superior lawn? – A lawn with an extra something that turns the heads of the neighborhood dog walkers? A superior lawn goes beyond just being well-maintained. Its about achieving the finishing touch of a precision edge.  
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Beyond the Mow: Unveiling the Secrets to a Superior Lawn

Are you a homeowner in the Fruitland, Idaho area? If so, with spring here, your lawn and garden must be on your mind. You might be thinking about all the outdoor activities you can do now that it is getting just a bit warmer.
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Spring Garden

Spring Has Sprung: Get Your Lawn Hopping in Fruitland, ID

Spring has officially arrived in Fruitland, and so has A Superior Cut; a premier landscaping company based originally in Salt Lake City. Because we're a family business, we've branched out into Fruitland, ID with our family.
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Whatever other questions you may have,
please feel free to call
(801) 783-6061 or Contact Us
and we will happily help.